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Pokemon Go spring 2020 event bringing flower hat Pikachu and shiny Exeggcute next week

Pokemon Go spring 2020 event bringing flower hat Pikachu and shiny Exeggcute next week

The Pokemon Go spring 2020 event is still scheduled to kick off next week on April 9 despite challenges caused by the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. 

The spring event will run from 8am local time on April 9 through 10pm local time on April 16. During that time, Exeggcute, Chansey, Mareep, Marill, and Torchic will appear more frequently, and Shiny Exeggcute will also appear on rare occasions. In addition, flower crown Buneary and flower hat Pikachu will spawn in the wild along with their Shiny versions. 

Flower crown Pichu and Togepi will also hatch from 2km eggs during the spring event, along with normal versions of Happiny, Munchlax, Tyrogue, Chingling, and Riolu. To help players hatch these Pokemon, all eggs gained during the event will be of the 2km variety. On top of that, as part of Pokemon Go's ongoing efforts to make playing alone (and, often, from home) more enjoyable, all incubated eggs will hatch at twice their normal rate.